Our psychologists

Consulting, guidance, listening and consideration

Our hotline is available 24/7

A psychologist on the phone thanks to the number given to you by your company

The psychologist is available

The psychologist is in a consultations

The psychologist is absent, view their timetable

The psychologist is available

The psychologist is in a consultation

The psychologist is absent, view their timetable

Consultation via phone


1. On your phone, dial the toll-free number dedicated to your organization.

2. If you have chosen your psychologist, enter their professional code (located below their photo). Otherwise, press *.

3. You will be connected.

Consultation via chat or video*


1. On your computer, select an available psychologist  who offers chat  or video   consultations.

2. Click on the “Start Consultation” button.

3. Enter your login credentials (only your toll-free number is required at this stage).

4. For video consultations, choose your settings (microphone/camera) when prompted.

5. The consultation will begin.

*if your company has subscribed to this service




Disponible le 21/05/2024 à 23:00

Vous rencontrez des difficultés d'ordre personnel ou professionnel ? Je vous propose un espace de parole pour y voir plus clair et trouver des pistes vers un mieux-être. Psychologue clinicienne formée notamment aux psychotraumatismes et à la parentalité, je vous propose un accueil chaleureux, bienveillant et sans jugement.