Training courses

The strength of an organisation lies in the talents within it. Developing the skills, leadership, know-how or soft skills of your teams is therefore essential for your company to function well.

With our experience in quality of life at work and prevention of psycho-social risks, we combine the expertise of our in-house team with the skills of our trainers, to offer good-quality, interactive training programmes suitable for everyone.

These programmes can be turnkey or tailor-made, depending on your needs and business requirements. The expertise of our consultants is at your disposal. Aimed at HR, members of the social and economic committee, management or employees, our training courses help to develop each one of your talents.

Why choose our training courses

– All of our programmes are designed in-house by our training manger, in collaboration with our consultants.

– We can adapt all of our programmes to your needs and expectations: tools, interactivity, remote or face-to-face. They can all be fully personalised.

– We also provide workshops adapted to the context and issues of your structure.

– Our added value: the combination of theory and the in-the-field experience of our consultants results in programmes that are more in touch with reality and more interactive for your teams.

– A dedicated on-line interface so that the student can consult the learning resources at any time.

– A Qualiopi-certified training organisation.

Our remote training courses

We know that it can be difficult to find the time and space to bring your teams together; that’s why our training programmes can be provided remotely. Methods include virtual classes, webinars, group videoconferencing, etc. Together we will find the right one for you.

Discover some of our topics below, but don’t hesitate to contact us, we have a wide range of courses.

Some of our tropics

Dealing with psycho-social risks
Remote working
Improving communication
Dealing with addictions
Manager path
Mental health first aid
Dealing with harassment
Dealing with conflict
Dealing with stress, burn out

Download our
training catalogue

Remote training catalogue
Classroom training catalogue

Contact Us

+33 (0)2 97 84 32 53